Zany Penguins

Conquer the universe!
2-5 players 20' 10+ Set collection, bluff & area control game

A large-scale operation led by the zaniest of all penguins!

Faced with global warming, they have only one solution: to become THE RULERS OF THE WORLD… and beyond! They are equipped, trained, and (relatively) intelligent, but the thirst for power is starting to divide their troops.

Your mission: send YOUR penguins to conquer the last icebergs, the city, the jungle, the desert, and even the Moon.

Your plan of attack: gather the toughest penguins and send your worst recruits to disrupt the enemy ranks.

  • An easily accessible and clever area control game
  • The exchange of cards between players adds challenge and fun
  • Hilarious universe and imagery.
  • Game designer(s): Bruno Cathala & Matthieu Lanvin
  • Artwork : Rémy Tornior
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